Eligibility, Screening and Referral

Portsmouth Public Schools Program of Gifted Services works to increase the number of students referred and identified so that gender, socioeconomic, and ethnic factors are representative of the division. The district increases representation by using identification instruments and procedures that assist in facilitating the identification of all students.
All second-grade students are screened utilizing the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT).
Students can be referred by parents, teachers, or other adults with knowledge of the students’ abilities.
Multiple criteria are used to determine the student’s eligibility, including test scores, portfolio, parent rating, and teacher rating.
Gifted services staff, school counselors, and gifted resource teachers in each school will confer with classroom teachers annually in grades K-6 to determine candidates for referral. Parents can contact their child’s to request a referral for gifted education. Parents new to the school division will be informed about the opportunity to request a gifted referral when they complete the student registration form.
School counselors and administrators will review all available standardized test data (ability and achievement tests such as Stanford Achievement Tests, Standards of Learning (SOL) assessments, PALS, benchmark tests, portfolios, transfer student records, etc.) and consult with classroom teachers for consideration of referral and further evaluation.
Referral procedures for General Intellectual Aptitude
Portsmouth Public Schools uses a holistic approach to identify students who demonstrate accelerated levels of academics, creative thinking patterns, and greater aptitude than their peers of the same age. This approach encompasses both quantitative and qualitative measures to assess student aptitude and potential:
Assessments/data collection
Student Cumulative Record Analysis
Eligibility/Placement Determination
Appeal Process